Treats eczema, dryness, dermatitis.
The ultimate remedy for dryness and irritation. As the temperature drops, eczema and dermatitis flare-ups rise. This condition chronically affects 1 in 5 adults and each year prevalence rates continue to rise. These painfully dry, red, itchy and flaky skin patches pop up without warning and many people turn to hydrocortisone or steroids, which do more harm than good to the skin’s natural moisture barrier. Skinfix Body Repair Balm™ is a medicinal, natural alternative infused with colloidal oatmeal, healing botanicals and emollient protective oils. This best-seller works faster than your average eczema cream to safely relieve dry itchy skin, symptoms of dermatitis, and dry cracked skin all over the body.
Trusted for generations. Compounded with natural ingredients. NO hydrocortisone, steroids, parabens, phthalates or added fragrance.
- Dermatologist Tested
- Natural and fragrance-free
- Eczema treatment
- Dermatitis treatment
- Immediate relief from redness and irritation
- Provides protective emollient barrier to relieve dry, itchy skin
- Perfect for cracked heels and elbows
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