
Erin's Blog — Pet beds

Om-Made Soap, Bowsers Pet Products, and Nelson Naturals

Erin Larder

Tags Beauty care products, Pet beds, Toothpaste

New products added today include: Om-Made Soap, a grass-roots beauty care manufacturer in Prince Edward Island.  Products range from an assortment of soaps to a DEET-free insect repellent.  From Ontario, Bowsers Pet Products are manufacturing an array of pet beds, primarily aimed at dogs.  Being more of a cat person, I thought the Buttercup bed looked quite cozy.  Nelson Naturals from British Columbia is manufacturing a wonderful fluoride-free mineralizing toothpaste.  Three flavours are available: cinnamon, fennel and spearmint.  I have tried each flavour and while I found the cinnamon quite strong, I thought the fennel and spearmint (spearmint being my favourite) were quite good.  The toothpastes...